Monday, June 27, 2011


I have another food related post but I assure you that my blog will not always be about the grocery store. This time I'm going to talk about a beverage. Arizona tea to be specific.

For the past few years, I have become a huge fan of this refreshing drink, not only for the great tastte and large variesy of flavors, but because there is a 99 cent price printed on every 23 ounce can! this means that wherever they are sold, the store can't jack the price up like they do to other popular beverages. However, this is not news to many people. Everyone and their babysitter know about the refreshing 99 cent Arizonas but not as many people know that Walgreens likes to put these puppies on sale for 5o cents! that's right! two 23oz cans of sweet liquid heaven for only a dollar!

I asked a worker if they have a schedule for when they go on sale and he said that it seems random and only corporate knows, but in my experience, it happens quite often and for a week at a time. Perfect for stocking up so you have plenty left when the sale ends.


  1. I love this stuff too! Followed!

  2. Wish I could get stuff like that over here in the UK.

  3. Arizona, how i love thee. You're always there fore me at the corner store. Pick a cold one up with my dutch, roll up, spark up and enjoy.

  4. Nice, thanks dude! I love Arizona! I'll have to go to Walgreens more now.

  5. Aw, it's definitely unavailable near me :<

  6. this is awesome. i love that drink

  7. great post i love the drink!

  8. I love Arizonas. But those things pack a major punch sugar/carb wise.

  9. i grew up around arizonas whenever i went to the park to play soccer or football this would be our drink lucky on the sales though

  10. I'm in England though...

    Someone send me some!

  11. I thought this was a post about 4 Loko's at first. Disappointed. But Ariz Ice Tea is delicious too.

  12. That being said, I know what to hunt for on my next trip to Walgreen's.

  13. That is one of my favorite drinks! I always have a can when I can find it! lol

    Lemonade and Iced tea mixed is good, greentea is my favorite though!

  14. Oh my God I love these things! Arnold Palmer Half and Half ftw!
